in depth trailer analysis

1 - 7 a narration telling you how it all begins.

8 - 12 a scene showing the dead bodies and a man on a horse comming over to chop the head of of the leader of the army. a long note is heard all the way through. a small bang is heard when the scene is shown. a mid shot is used to show this scene.

13 - 17 the production company warner brothers is shown and a loud comming bang is heard. straight after legendary is seen with the same background animation as warner brothers.

18 - 21 you see what looks like slaves on a ship rowing back to were the soldiers that captured them come from. a close up is used to show the shackles tying the hands of the slaves to the ores. a wide shot is used to show the mass of the boats.

22 - 27 you see the soldiers riding horses back to there city with the camera starting off by pointing the camera down and then the camera goes down to the ground to give a wide shot on the city.

28 - the scene before fades into a new scene

29 - 32 you see the king walking into his chamber with his slaves opening a large black door. the sound of the door is herd. a wide shot is used to show how large the door is and the slaves needed to open it.

33 - 37 you see the woman who is narrating the beginning part of the trailer talking to the men. a wise shot is used to show her with the men and a close up after to show her talking.

37 - 41 a loud bang is heard and then the camera focuses on the sweat down from the bottom half of the soldiers head. the shot only shows us the bottom bart of the head and helmet.

42 - 44 a man with no top is shaving down trees so that al the bark will be off. you can hear violins in the background at this point of time.a close up is used to show the sword and the shavings comming of the log when it is shaved.

45 - 46 you see a man/woman sharpening her sword with a stone and the sound that this makes is heard. a close up on the sharpening stone and the sword showing the sword being sharpened.

47 - 49 an army rowing a boat is seen and the sunset/sunrise behind them.

50 - 51 you see an armada of ships with no people in them, also the opposing army is seen in the hundreds. a wide shot is used to show that there are no people on any of the boats.

52 - 55 you see the men running on mud and then the people running off the boat. you can hear them screaming as they do this. a close up is used to show the feet and the water comming of he feet.

56 - 1:02 you see a soldier jump of the boat and falling down onto the docks, he then smites down one of the worker and the shot jumps to a lighting bolt with the sound of the bolt heard. the camera follows the man as he jumps of the boat until he stabs the guy on the floor.

1:04 you see the month that the film is comming out

1:05 - 1:08 you see the king walking out to see his subjects and looks like he is going to give a speech. the scene then fades out and fades into another scene. the shot shows the man standing on a ledge and a wide shot showing his people.

1:09 - 1:10 you see a wide shot of the side of a mountain by the sea. green grass and a couple of bushes/trees is seen.

1:11 - 1:13 you see the king and he says that nothing will stand in the way of his army, then at 1:12 it cuts to his army and a load bang is heard.

1:14 - 1:16 you see a woman in black walk into a throne room, a narration saying i will attack the Greeks.

1:17 - 1:18 you see the ships on the sea again then the scene fades out and back in to another scene.

1:19 - 1:20 you see a woman kneeling down and talking to a man then it cuts quickly to the king. the woman says with my entire navy.

1:21 - 1:25  you then see her navy and a man throwing a torch looking object that then explodes destroying a ship. bodies fly over and into the water. the sound of the bomb is heard as it explodes.

1:26 - 1:32 the woman is seen shooting a flame arrow into the sea. the sea sets alight and a girl is then seen crying with the fire in the background. the scene then fades into another scene.

1:33 - 1:34 a man takes of his helmet then looks out to sea and sees a load of ships sailing towards him.

1:35 - 1:37  you see the same man talking and then the scene cuts back to show the ships.

1:37 - 1:40 you see the same man on a boat with his army standing there, he then yells something and the boat he is on rams the enemies boat.

1:41 - 1:44 you see there boat ram the enemy boat and then switches under water to see the bodies floating away.

1:45 - 1:46  a lightning bolt is seen and when the bolt hits the producers text is shown with a cloud background.

1:46 - 1:47 the woman is shown looking at a square box full of dead soldiers. a man then starts walking up beside her.

1:47 - 1:48 we see the lightning bolt and cloud background, this then shows what other films the director has done.

1:49 - 1: 51 you see a man flying through the air and a structure is being destroyed behind him. also you see a man on a horse watching. the man and woman from the seen before are now seen kissing.

1:52 - 1:54 the king is seen comming up from the water in between a row of sleeping men.

1:55 - 1:55 you see a soldier slicing another soldier

1:56 - 1:57 the camera goes through another load of boats on the sea.

1:57 - 1:58 one of those boats are seen smashing a damn and the water flows through

1:58 - 2:00 you see a man drawing a sword and screaming

2:01 - 2:10 you see the same man jump of a flaming boat on his horse and into the water. you also see a soldier on fire fall into the water. then the horse comes out of the water and then hey charge to the woman that said she was going to destroy the greeks.

2:11 - 2:16 you see a montage of fighting clips with load drum noises being heard when it goes from clip to clip.

2:17 - 2:21 we see the beginning clip of the man going to slice the soldiers head off. as he slices it we see blood that then leads into show the films title of 300.

2:22 - 2:26 the lighting and cloud background is seen showing the date of when the film is comming out. it is then followed by a few credits.

the music throughout is very pacing and fits along side the trailer. usually as the scene changes a quiet or load bang is heard.

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