theatrical trailer Vs teaser trailer 2 of 3

Last Vegas (teaser)

What this contains

Insidious: chapter 2 (theatrical)

What this contains


by comparing the theatrical trailer with the teaser trailer i found that there are distinct differences between the two. the teaser trailer is only showing you certain aspects to the film, the dialogue that you hear in this trailer is supposed to make you laugh and get you hocked into the humor of the film. they show only the main actors in the film, this is the producers trying to get a pre sold audience for those actors.
the theatrical shows the main plot to the film and the background of the main actors, this is trying to get people interested in the plot that the main character is involved with. we also see them as a family in a happy place in the beginning but as it comes to the end the trailer shows us what is to come. the trailer doe not show us all of the interesting stuff, but only shows us the things that would make people interested in seeing the film.

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