Finished poster

finished magazine cover

i have chosen the red volcanic looking text for the total film logo because volcanoes can destroy islands and/or land at will. this makes them a destructive force and if a super volcano sets of then the world will be in trouble. i have use the film poster background because it best depicts the film along with the same picture of kairen. i have added the price underneath the total film background. i have also kept with the text being in capitals so that lit looks like the cover is shouting at you.

finished opening sequence to use for the trailer

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Trailer Progression 9

using imovie i got the best clips from the opening of the film and put them in together along with tiles to make the trailer with certain lines to make people think and want to come find out what is going to happen in the film. i added a star background to the words to make the trailer look nice.

due to stars not being part of the post apocalyptic trailer genre i have changed it to a mat black background.

Trailer Progression 8

this picture shows the the final clip being put in with the beginning and end part being cut out due to them being explanations of the shot. i will be uploading the finished opening sequence to the film soon.

Trailer Progression 7

i have added another clip along with a narration with the static removed. this clip was 100% perfect and had nothing wrong with it.

Trailer Progression 6

i have added two separate clips with two separate narrations. the static had to be removed from both the narrations. the clips were trimmed down to the good parts, while cutting out the bad parts like when the actor fell over.

Trailer Progression 5

i have now added two more clips with one narration joining both of these clips together. this is because both the clips are linked together. the narration also describes both of the clips. i had to remove static from this narration as well.

Trailer Progression 4

the fourth clip has been added along with the narration that had to go with it. the static was removed from the narration along with the beginning of the clip due to us messing up the first time it was shot.

Trailer Progression 3

i have now added the third clip to the trailer. this clip was not cut at all due to us planning the shot before we shot it because otherwise it would have been too complicated to do straight away. the narration's had to have static removed as well.

Trailer Progression 2

in this picture you can see i have added the second clip for the trailer. once again i have had to remove static from the narration and trim the narration down. i have also taken the beginning and end of the clips out because they were both awful.

Trailer Progression 1

in this picture you can see i have added the first clip and have cut out the beginning and end part of the clip because both these parts were explanations of what was going in this shot. i have also trimmed out a lot of the audio static from the narration.

Importing the clips

i have now successfully imported the clips to final cut ready to be edited. i will be posting these in stages with a description telling you what i have done.

Film Poster Progress 8

after looking at the poster i realized i cut of his ear in the Photoshop earlier so know i had to cut another ear out for him.

Film Poster Progress 7

i have now added the credits to the bottom of the poster as well as the main actors underneath the title of the film in the same text. i have also added a shadow effect to the text to make it so that the light is shining up at the text and the text is creating shadow.

Film Poster Progress 6

the best thing i thought about doing was finding the same hallway that has not been changed. i managed to find the same hallway and added it over the other hallway. to give a sense of past and present i made the opacity of the hallway 50% so that you can see a hint of both of the backgrounds.

Film Poster Progress 5

i have added the person to the middle of the background and down scaled his height to fit in the hallway properly.

Film Poster Progress 4

i have added a background of a deserted hallway that has had overgrown weeds grown in it. what i am thinking is putting the person in the middle of the hall to simulate him walking through an abandoned hall way to give the poster the post apocalyptic scene.

Film Poster Progress 3

here is the finished Photoshop of the person.

Film Poster Progress 2

in this picture i have added the title text and then gone into the settings of the text and gave it a chiseled outline. this will give it the metal look. i then had to search all over for an image of rust so that i can give the text the rust mask. this will make the title conform with the post apocalyptic look. after this i have started cutting out the background of the person using a graphics tablet.

Film Poster Progress 1

in this picture you can see that i have chosen a picture i am going to be starting with for the poster. i have taken this picture from the short film i made. the reason i have selected this photo is because it shows the person walking through a forest with dead trees.

Film trailer poster

this is the beginning of the poster for the film. i will be uploading pictures as i do things.